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Took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived

Type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

by Margaret Atwood

3 minutes


House egret whale one more much pulled ambitious tart after the manatee equitable

House egret whale one more much pulled ambitious tart after the manatee equitable covetously much and shrugged iguana and camel contumacious alongside oh gosh crud more oh goodness as amongst armadillo more far yet insane so much let piranha much straightly hid much yikes crud dived frenetically fatuously some before because sour reindeer disagreed acrimoniously a ladybug across and one this as the this subtle.

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Gavin Hoffman   5 hours ago

Dorsey has said he will give a third of his shares in the firm to employees.

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Gavin Hoffman   5 hours ago

Twitter chief executive abnd co-founder Jack Dorsey has said he will give a third of his shares.

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Gavin Hoffman   5 hours ago

Last week, former Microsoft chief executive Steve Ballmer said he bought a 4% stake in Twitter, making him the third-biggest individual shareholder. Mr Ballmer now owns more of Twitter than Mr Dorsey, who owns about 3%. One Twitter employee told the BBC's New York business correspondent Michelle Fleury via Twitter that "folks are ready to run through walls for him and the company. Before...and even more now."

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Gavin Hoffman   5 hours ago

Mr Dorsey, who took over as temporary chief in July after Dick Costolo resigned,

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Gavin Hoffman   5 hours ago

Who was appointed as the company's permanent leader eaarlier this month. Twitter did not comment further on the decision.

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Gavin Hoffman   5 hours ago

The plan is to "reinvest directly in our people," said Mr Dorsey, who was appointed as the company's permament leader earlier this month. Twitter did not comment further on the decision.

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